Saturday, April 10, 2010

Posting to Resume

I have not posted since October? Wow. Posting will resume.

Some catch up. I still hate squirrels. I’m still working on my house. I still think tossing old windows is horribly wrong. I still think living in New Albany rocks. I have some news to report on the Market Street Brewery history I’d done in past years (I went underground).

See you soon.


Matt said...

it's about time! I've been checking in about once a week only to find nothing new =(. I'll join you in your squirrel hatred. I've recently discovered the bushy tailed rats coming and going from my attic. I'm ditching my vinyl siding soon so I guess all address it then. looking forward to more updates.

RememberCharlemagne said...

Ted I tried to send you an email but got back a not able to deliver message.

I wanted let you know that Uptown will be trying to start a community garden at Becknell Park and we are trying to network with other groups. If interested email me. I would like to hear your thoughts.

I have also had problems with squirrels.



Richard said...

Aw come on Ted, It is now Independence Day and we are still waiting to hear about your "underground" trip!
Just want to know if my GGGrandfather left a gold collection there or not. lol

Richard Williams

Richard said...

Aw come on Ted, we are waiting for your "underground" trip. I want to know if my GGGrandfather left a pot of gold in the cellar? LOL

Richard said...

Aw come on Ted, we are waiting for your "underground" trip. I want to know if my GGGrandfather left a pot of gold in the cellar? LOL