Sunday, May 06, 2007

Installment 3: Porno for Preservationists – and it’s Preservation Month

Home security is important. I’ll not deny that. The screen door that was on my house when I bought it was a “security” door. The security door, along with the monochrome vinyl, gave the house a distinct cell block feel. I was not fond of that at all.

Was the door necessary? Keep in mind that there are six foot windows around the entire house that a potential burglar could literally break and walk through. Perhaps the door was a bit of overkill?

Regardless, the door is gone, no doubt being melted down as I write this to supplement humvee armor in Iraq.
The replacement screen door is up. It’s a wooden door purchased from It’s my favorite house project to date. I love looking at it as I pull in the driveway. I love looking out of it from the inside. I love the way the stained glass glows through it at night. I love this door so much, I may ask it to marry me.

The gable on front of the house received its first top coat of paint this weekend. The return is nearly complete. It’s quite a contrast.

Don’t forget about Preservation Month activities. Check the right sidebar for more information. The first event is this Thursday, May 10th.

1 comment:

Christopher D said...

WOW! That looks great!